Installed Jaiku Mobile Beta, played with the menu in the order that made sense to me, and basically felt I would rather do my calculus.
For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how to post Jaiku messages, or read my contact’s posts for that matter. There is something called “Presence,” the mystery of which I have yet to resolve.
Most of the functionalities seem to revolve around location-based services (GPS, locating friends “near” you, etc.). Take a peep at your coordinates, and I won’t be surprised if it scares the hell out of you. Someone need to assure me that these coordinates are not sent automatically to Jaiku.
In fairness, I didn’t read the user manual (C’mon, would you?) And, this is in Beta. Hopefully some sense come out of it in the final release.
They do have a kick-ass website. There is still hope.
By the way, in case your interested, which you’re probably not since I’m as interesting as a taco shell, my jaiku username is chette.
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