Category: Uncategorized

  • IMEvrywhr revisted

    After this post has reached far more readership than I have imagined, guilt took over. I have decided to calm down, & take Globe Telecom’s IMEvrywhr for another test drive. Fourteenth time’s a charm: I was able to login & actually used it for a few weeks. This is an attempt to provide a less…

  • Windows Vista: Where to buy, whether to upgrade, & volume activation

    There are enough articles on Windows Vista, and by more credible people at that. However, mail continues to pour in, & this is my humble attempt to answer some of them: Windows Vista is so expensive. Where is the cheapest place to buy it? – Thelma A. If you’re planning on buying a new PC,…

  • Joomla Template Tutorial (Part 2)

    This is Part 2 of the Joomla Template Tutorial series. Part 1 is here. Part 3 is here. By now, you should already know what Joomla elements are, particularly Main Body and Modules/Module Positions. Let’s move on: 3. Identify where you want to place your Joomla elements Now take a look at your mockup and…

  • Google Talk – access it from the web, & gadgets for your website

    Not happy with the Google Talk embedded in Gmail? You can have a much richer (and prettier) interface by going to and clicking Launch Google Talk. The same website also contains instructions on how you can embed it on your webpage with your own customized width, height, border colors, and title.

  • First looks at Jaiku Mobile Beta

    Installed Jaiku Mobile Beta, played with the menu in the order that made sense to me, and basically felt I would rather do my calculus. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how to post Jaiku messages, or read my contact’s posts for that matter. There is something called “Presence,” the mystery of…

  • Smart Bro is on holiday (sheesh)

    As what can be expected, Smart Bro went down yesterday – or at least here in the Ortigas Area. This is one funny thing about Smart Bro – whenever there is a long holiday (Christmas, Easter, etc.), they always make it a point to annoy their subscribers and bring down their service. And it always…

  • Who is the real Technology King?

    According to the World Economic Forum, the United States is no longer the technology king. The throne now goes to Denmark. Below is the Networked Readiness Index Rankings for 2006: Denmark Sweden Singapore Finland Switzerland Netherlands US Iceland UK Norway However, I did receive an interesting email on who is the real technology king. Ladies…

  • Joomla Template Tutorial (Part 1)

    This is Part 1 of the Joomla Template Tutorial series. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. This is an article that I’ve been delaying because its not the easiest thing to write. But as luck will have it, I decided to do a redesign of my website, & decided not to put this…

  • Flickr & social networking in general

    It has been hell trying to maintain a photo gallery engine integrated with my content management system. In this light, I have decided to swallow my pride, and use my Flickr account for my photos. Let’s see how it works out. Speaking of Flickr, & social networking in general: I’ve been told numerous times of…

  • Changing ordering of page title and site name in Joomla

    It is good SEO practice to put the page title first in your title tags, and then your site name. Unfortunately, by default, Joomla places the site name first before the page title. To change this, grab a copy of the file /includes/joomla.php Around line number 507, replace this: $this->_head[‘title’] = $title ? $GLOBALS[‘mosConfig_sitename’] .…