Category: Uncategorized
Blog shift shwift
I was a proud user of Blogger. I have been a member since the year 2000, and it has faithfully kept and squealed my secrets, whatever the case may be. I thought it was pretty cool to use something as unusual as Blogger. Unusual because I am part of a community wherein using free application…
What web hosting company would you recommend?
The safe answer is always: "It depends on your needs." It’s a tricky business recommending a web host, and I’m unfortunate enough to be asked that question frequently. I even have a ready script in hand, presenting 3 to 5 options to a client depending on their requirements, complete with a comparison chart, and a…
Formatting once more
I mistakenly installed one of those codec packs a few months ago. To those who don’t know what a codec pack is, it is a program which installs in your computer the common audio and video codecs. These codecs enable you watch highly compressed videos from your computer. I am very fond of my collection…
May homepage ka ba?
{mosimage} Even after years of developing websites for money, fun, sheer boredom, or blackmail, I had no interest whatsover in putting up anything about me. And for many reasons: I’m naturally paranoid. Nothing scares me more than the words: “So you’re Chette.“ I was (un)lucky enough to have friends who happen to be strong privacy…