Category: Uncategorized
SimpleBits (Nice Website)
SimpleBits has a refreshing color palette. It also has small details which makes it simply lovely: the little squares at the top of the page, the way it divides each article from another, & mouseovers on the images on the footer.
What you (probably) didn’t know about the iPhone
You’ve heard about the cons of using an iPhone — no video recording, no cut and paste, short battery life, yada yada. And like you, I also thought, “Hey, I could live with that.” After all, the fundamental thing is that I will have my calendar and productivity apps — to have my “mac in…
Chette, the Mac User. (Gracious)
Back in the late 1990s, I was known as the girl who broke up with her boyfriend because he was a Mac user. Technically, I didn’t: He was really an insufferable human being. But yes, there were fights which involve his strong unwavering (and I think gay) devotion to Steve Jobs. I was a proud…
Things to Ban this Rainy Traffic Season
The increasing cost of gas does not seem to deter (yet) the abundance of vehicles on the road. But rain & traffic do not go well together, as proven by the blasting of horns that wake me up each morning. I came up with a list which will guarantee to lessen road rage (at least…
Voice recording ala Nokia
Voice recorders are indispensable tools in storing quick ideas, thoughts, todos, or even in reminding yourself where you parked your car. But in these times of I-need-to-carry-another-gadget-like-I-need-a-hole-in-the-head, we need to utilize the gadgets we already have, particularly those which we usually never leave home without: our mobile phones. I am pretty lucky to be a…
The search for the perfect digital filing cabinet
It was a choice among DevonThink, Yojimbo, Together, & EagleFiler. There are supposed to be a handful more in that list, but they were immediately junked either because they were primarily note-taking apps or lacked serious organization. These apps, unfortunately, have yet to be christened with a short & sweet category such as “text editor”…
Hello world!
Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!
Uzzap mo me? Smart Communications releases mobile instant messenger
Uzzap is Smart Communications’ answer to Globe’s now defunct IM Evrywhr. It is an instant messenger that you can run on your mobile phone. Smart, however, was wise enough to include that one feature which will guarantee at least a couple of days traffic overload: Yahoo Messenger. Yes, ladies & gentlemen, it can hook up…
Flyspray: One of those web-based bug tracker
Working with Mantis has been sweet. It was a project manager’s delight – full-blown features and a powerful back-end. However, if you are concerned with usability, it can be a nightmare. Getting Mantis to display the barebones essentials required too much editing. Mantis, after all, doesn’t (yet) have a templating system to make it easier…
PLDT MyDSL throttling bandwidth?
Due to uncontrollable factors, I had the misfortune of subscribing to PLDT MyDSL in our condo in Salcedo Village. From the installation to troubleshooting, it was already the worst experience I have ever encountered. And that’s not even an exaggeration: Due to my line of work, I have first-hand experience with all the Metro Manila…