Changing ordering of page title and site name in Joomla

It is good SEO practice to put the page title first in your title tags, and then your site name. Unfortunately, by default, Joomla places the site name first before the page title.

To change this, grab a copy of the file /includes/joomla.php

Around line number 507, replace this:

$this->_head['title'] = $title ? $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'] . ' - '. $title : $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'];

With this:

$this->_head['title'] = $title ? $title .' - '. $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'] : $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'];


37 responses to “Changing ordering of page title and site name in Joomla”

  1. Thanks, what a co-incidence: this was exactly what I needed to fix. Saved me lots of time!

    – julz

  2. haran Avatar

    It saved me time. Thanx Chette

    1. Thanks, what a co-incidence: this was exactly what I needed to fix. Saved me lots of time!

  3. Emilio Molé Avatar
    Emilio Molé

    I´ve been searching how to do this for weeks without any results.
    Thank you! 🙂

  4. Chette, thanks, thanks and thanks four your help… This topic (Changing ordering of page title and site name in Joomla) is just that I needed… You are a fantastic woman… Thanks…

  5. jandrochan Avatar

    Hola! Era justo lo que andaba buscando. Funciona estupendamente gracias. 😉

  6. Excellent, helped me a lot, thanks for your help and keep on working for the community!

  7. Thanks that helps a lot for SEO

  8. Thank you very much !

  9. thanks for your help

  10. Jonathan Avatar

    Can’t believe I found this!!! Thank you ;D

  11. oh thanx u!
    i really neede this..

    regards, fifi 😉

  12. Tomelloso Avatar

    Wow, really great tip, I’m searching some solution for this for my joomla real estate and found this. Thanks for share.

  13. Tony Lindskog Avatar
    Tony Lindskog

    Hi Chette, I just wanted to let you know that I did write the article and gave you kudos and link:

  14. Tony Lindskog Avatar
    Tony Lindskog

    Thanks for the tip – it is real sad that one needs to hack the source code to get such a basic thing to work.

    I am writing an SEO article for Joomla and I will include this tip as well as a link back for the tip.

  15. LortGob Avatar

    Thanks, fast and easy!

  16. SEO Expert NZ Avatar
    SEO Expert NZ

    Thank you for sharing this information. I will use it for my blog and change the order of title.

  17. wow gold Avatar
    wow gold

    Thank you for sharing this information. I will use it for my blog and change the order of title. wow gold

  18. Hi Chette, I just wanted to let you know that I did write the article and gave you kudos and link

  19. Its great. But in joomla stable version, the path to be changed is in ‘\libraries\joomla\document\document.php’ in that we have a function called ‘setTitle($title)’. The title is actually rendered from there. So you can change title according to your wish

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    webhosting service

    A good article, really helpful

  21. webdesign Avatar

    Very good ;D

  22. web hosting Avatar
    web hosting

    thanks for sharing this joomla seo tips,Most cms’ title of joomla is not seo friendly ,like worddpress,hope you can write some thing for wordpress

  23. Deepa said Avatar
    Deepa said

    Its great. But in joomla stable version, the path to be changed is in ‘librariesjoomladocumentdocument.php’ in that we have a function called ‘setTitle($title)’. The title is actually rendered from there. So you can change title according to your wish [url=]wow gold[/url]

  24. hi all! great post but im having some issues, Im using stable version 1.0.13 and using sh404 for seo. The problem is when I edit the code as above I get an error like ”
    SH404SEF : headers were already sent when I got control!
    Killed at line 149 in sef404.php: HEADERS ALREADY SENT (200)
    OPTION=com_frontpage ”

    any help would be greatly appreciated!



  25. how can i do it in joomla 1.5.10.
    the path u’ve mentioned is available in joomla 1.0..
    here the path is /libraries/joomla/document/document.php
    but what i need to replace instead of line 545.
    function setTitle($title) {
    $this->title = $title;
    pls help.

  26. To answer Su,

    function setTitle($title) {
    $this->title = $title.’putsitenamehere’;

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  35. there is a missing step for this to work as well as the fletiring, if you are using the JCE editor (and who isn’t!) you also have to Check that the Editor Profile Parameters allow IFrames.In the JCE Control Panel, click on the Editor Profiles button.Click on the Profile name that the user, usergroup or component is assigned to, eg: Default’Click on the Plugin Parameters tab, then on the Media Support tab.Check that the Allow IFrames is set to Yes.

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