Back in the late 1990s, I was known as the girl who broke up with her boyfriend because he was a Mac user. Technically, I didn’t: He was really an insufferable human being. But yes, there were fights which involve his strong unwavering (and I think gay) devotion to Steve Jobs.
I was a proud Windows user. I could give troubleshooting instructions point by point without ever looking at a screen. My PCs had the customizations, file organization, & configuration only a freak could appreciate, my backup system impeccable, & my weekends were spent poring inside my CPU to ensure that my motherboard & peripherals were dust-free.
Then last March, the unthinkable happened. For undisclosed reasons, I had to make the big switch. Technically, it wasn’t such a big switch since my Windows are still with me:
- Chocnut, my trusty old server
- Carebears, my Fujitsu tablet
- Batman, our multimedia server
- All the other old Toshibas lying around the house
- And of course, Vmware Fusion, which can instantaneously fire up Bill Gates’ pride & glory
But it was a switch, nevertheless, as anyone who had followed me on Twitter and read all my anti-Apple-fan-boys-tweets could attest. The moment I let it slip that I was using an MacBook, I could practically hear the gleeful guffaws of AlistairIsrael, rom, and JeromeGotango; the consternation of jeromea, & the abomination from abetsky — all of whom were kind enough to keep their comments to themselves.
And there were friends who tried to save me from further humiliating myself:
- Leigh Reyes, who tried to stop me from over-thinking, and made me install the cutest and most time-wasting applications on the planet
- Michael Fallarme, who did not hesitate to fill up my Dropbox with all the useful and non-Leigh-type of applications, and simply threatened me with “Basta install mo yan.”
- Marco Cabazal, who involuntarily provided 24-hour online & phone support, and assured me that yes, Macs have torrents too
It is already Month #4 since the fateful day when I cheated on Bill Gates. I still miss a lot of things, but overall, it aint so bad.
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