In my fortress of solitude

I never knew whether it’s proper to apologize for not updating my blog. I read somewhere I shouldn’t; but I usually feel guilty about the simplest things, so allow me to say sorry to all of you for the brief interruption.

As some of you know, I have a highly unusual job. Handling clients in 3 different time zones practically makes me on-call almost 24 hours a day. And for some reason, I seem to get assigned to the most complicated projects. I used to think it was because I was amazing. Now I think it’s simply because I say yes to anything 🙂

But here I am again, in my fortress of solitude, still getting used to my phone not ringing every few minutes, contemplating on how the year 2006 was like for me.

2006. Wow. I had typhoid around May, and was bedridden for a month. Then in mid-September, I got diagnosed with some form of severe skin asthma. (Gracious. I never knew such an animal existed.) Juggling school with work suddenly became such a huge ordeal.

But now that I think about it, I guess I don’t really have a right to complain. You see, I’ve always been blessed: great family, a wonderful relationship, good friends, fulfilling job … I’ve always wondered what I did to deserve all these.

Storm Large once said that I need to go thru a lot of thorns to get that rose. And she was right. It was definitely worth it.


2 responses to “In my fortress of solitude”

  1. hi chette! Merry christmas!

  2. Sr_Solstice Avatar

    Superman! (or woman)

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