Review of the JayBird BlueBuds X Sport Bluetooth Headphone

JayBird Box

The JayBird BlueBuds X Sport Bluetooth Headphone is hands down, the best bluetooth headphones in the world — if you could figure out how to correctly put it on.

I also own a couple of LG Tone Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Headset, which is also a great bluetooth headset in itself. However, I had to look for an alternative because I couldn’t stand the LG Tone hanging from my neck when not in use. It wasn’t HEAVY, but it was heavy enough after wearing it for an hour. It doesn’t help that I already wear a bunch of necklaces on my neck. JayBird, on the other hand, is like a little string I could just hang, or easily fold and put in my pocket or wallet. Very very convenient.

JayBird had some things going against them. With having fewer buttons than the LG Tone, it’s a little harder to figure out the fast forward/background from the volume control.

The biggest challenge, however, was that it takes a maestro to figure out which buds and wings to use. Yes. It has WINGS. They hook up to the folds of your ears so that they would stay put. It took me days of looking at official photos and trying out all the sizes to finally figure it out. But once you do, trust me, you’ll never use another bluetooth headphone again.

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