The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

My standard recommendation was for everyone to read this book at least once every 2 to 3 years. Now that I picked this up again, I realized that this is one of those books that is better listened to than read. Or at least at first. 

There’s just too much going on, the same learnings but written in varying quips, too long anecdotes that makes you sometimes forget the focal point of the chapter. 

It can be quite overwhelming. However, when I decided to listen to the audiobook, everything sounded a lot more cohesive. And I remember why this is one of the most invaluable books I’ve ever read. 

Don’t get me wrong – I still need my physical copy. I skim through it after listening to a chapter of the audiobook. 

I notice, though, that I highlight and bookmark more pages this time around. Maybe because 5 years has passed since I last picked this up. Or maybe because I’m at a season where life’s purpose had to be suddenly recalibrated.

Nevertheless, highly recommended as usual.

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