Category: Uncategorized

  • Globe Advisory: Incorrect GPRS settings?

    Got this SMS from Globe Telecom on Christmas Eve: Globe Advisory: We will be sending the correct settings for ur unit w/in the next 24 hrs for u to experience GPRS/MMS services on ur phone. Pls save the settings even if u have previous settings to ensure that u have the complete GPRS/MMS settings. I…

  • Title of last Harry Potter book revealed

    At the winter solstice, December 22, 2006, J.K. Rowling released the title of the last book of the Harry Potter series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. at the solstice will come a new … and none will come after …”— Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Eerie, huh? For something that was initially…

  • Mobile phone technostress: Keeping it under control

    A highly-charged and always-on-the-go job is more susceptible to technostress, and in my experience, a mobile phone adds more to this than anything else. Here are some things I learned along the way in how to keep my sanity: Ring Once Set your ring tone to “Ring Once.” Do yourself and others around you a…

  • In my fortress of solitude

    I never knew whether it’s proper to apologize for not updating my blog. I read somewhere I shouldn’t; but I usually feel guilty about the simplest things, so allow me to say sorry to all of you for the brief interruption. As some of you know, I have a highly unusual job. Handling clients in…

  • Gliding on the Lamy Safari Fountain Pen

    I lost an insanely expensive fountain pen months ago, & have been heartbroken ever since. My efforts to find a suitable replacement proved futile, as stores over here seem to think that there are no other brands in the world except for Parker & Cross. As time went by, desperation started to set in, and…

  • Decreasing the size of Firefox’s tabs

    Firefox 2.0? Ho-hum. After all, how can such a great browser impress us further? But a spellchecker’s there, & that’s always good; and a feed reader, which unfortunately didn’t live up to the standards of Sage. The scrolling tabs need some time to get used to. The tabs are also wider. This means that it…

  • Removing horizontal space in mosimage

    When using the mambot {mosimage}, Joomla automatically puts a horizontal space (hspace) around your image. This can destroy a website layout, especially one that is specifically sized up to the last pixel. An alternative, of course, is to just use the <img> tags in inserting images. However, this has a weakness: The paths are not…

  • Developers say the funniest things

    One of our QA’s job requirements is to make sure that the source code submitted by the programmers is “clean” – meaning, no hidden email addresses, personal copyright information, etc. But I’m guessing some things are left overlooked – or simply just too hilarious to remove. Computerworld recently published the funniest things they have discovered…

  • Disable PDF viewing in Firefox

    You’re happily surfing, and you realized too late that one of the URLs you’ve clicked was actually a PDF document. You hate it. It takes a long time to load, makes your browser hang, or confuses so much with the toolbars that you unknowingly close your browser. There is a way for you to disable…

  • Coming soon: MoneySense

    MoneySense is an upcoming magazine which focuses on personal finance, which is something my generation in particular is very interested in. (Ahhh, what to do with all my wealth ;-)) Plus, Heinz Bulos is one of the people behind it — a very good friend, my partner-in-crime (he was Batman, and I was Robin), and…