Manage your Toodledo tasks using 2Do

Toodledo has an official iPhone app being sold for $2.99. It was perfectly fine for my basic need of editing tasks offline. Soon, however, I craved for something pretty, and luckily, 2Do was available at the App Store.

(You have to take note that Toodledo does not only provide amazing support for its users, but also to the third-party apps which utilize Toodledo’s API.)

2Do costs a whopping $6.99 (lite version is available for free). For that price, I got the superb features of Toodledo, via one of the most beautiful & user-friendly interfaces I have ever seen in any todo app. Or any app for that matter.

With 2Do, I could hide folders (called “calendars” in 2Do), re-order tasks manually, and change the look & feel of the app on the fly. It could do with a little more themes, in my opinion.

Subtasks are also easy to manage in 2Do. My only gripe is that if a subtask’s due date is in the future, 2Do insists on displaying them inside the containing task. Which means I had to open the containing task in order to see the subtask that is due for the next day, for example.

A recent feature is its support for starred items. Unfortunately, it does not have the same sorting algorithm of Toodledo, as the starred tasks are sent to the bottom of the list. There is a separate tab, however, where all starred items can be viewed.

2Do is available for download at the App Store. You can go to their website by clicking here.


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